Understanding Polyvagal Theory

dorsal vagal shut down

What is Polyvagal Theory? The Polyvagal Theory, developed by Dr Stephen Porges in the early 1990s, offers a comprehensive framework for understanding the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and its role in emotional regulation, social connection, and behavioural responses. The theory has significantly influenced fields like psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience by shedding light on how our […]


anger management

Table of Contents What is Anger? Anger is a normal, healthy, basic human emotion that all people experience at times. It is usually triggered by emotional hurt. An experience such as when we feel attacked, frustrated, deceived, invalidated, or unfairly treated may cause us to have feelings of anger. Anger is like an alarm bell […]

Feeling Grateful?


Table of Contents I’m So Grateful Many of us loosely use the phrase ‘I’m so grateful’. But do we really know the actual meaning of the word and what it does when we really feel gratitude? Have you ever opened your heart and felt the emotion of gratitude? What is Gratitude? Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual […]

Hangxiety: Understanding, Symptoms, and Solutions

Contents What is Hangxiety? It can be nice to go out and enjoy a night of drinking with friends or maybe a few at home. But I think we can all agree that hangovers do not feel great! Hanxiety, also known as hangover anxiety, is a type of anxiety that a person suffers from as […]

10 Signs That Your Dating A Narcissist


A narcissist is someone who displays a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. They often have an inflated sense of self-importance, require excessive attention and admiration, and exploit others for their own gain. Additionally, they tend to have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships due to their self-centeredness […]

Debt and Wellbeing

debt management

Table of Contents The Weight of Debt: Exploring it’s Profound Impact on Wellbeing In today’s society, debt has become an almost inevitable part of life for many individuals and households. From student loans to mortgages and and credit cards to personal loans, debt can cast a long shadow over one’s overall wellbeing. Beyond the financial […]

Help for Family Members of Drug and/or Alcohol Addiction

prescription medication addiction

Supporting a family member struggling with a drink or drug addiction can be challenging and emotionally draining. Unfortunately, I have had the unfortunate experience of being a family member. Watching someone you know well and love change into a stranger is soul-destroying. Anyone that is dealing with a person with an addiction in the family […]

Understanding Codependency

codependent relationship

Table of Contents Understanding Codependency: A Complex Dance of Relationships In psychology and interpersonal dynamics, codependency is a term that often arises when discussing the intricacies of relationships. However, its actual depth and impact might not always be fully comprehended. Codependency isn’t merely about one person being overly dependent on another; it encompasses a complex […]



Table of Contents 10 Amazing Benefits of Kindness! Kindness is the quality or state of being considerate, compassionate, and benevolent towards others. It involves treating people with warmth, empathy, and respect, often extending goodwill gestures without expecting anything in return. Acts of kindness can range from simple and small gestures, like offering a helping hand […]

Imposter Syndrome

Table of Contents What is Imposter Syndrome? Imposter syndrome refers to an internal experience of believing you are not as competent as others perceive you to be despite evidence of your skills, accomplishments, and achievements. People experiencing imposter syndrome often have a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud despite external validation of their […]